Ring oss: 51 82 00 50   |   post@hviding.no

Minnesider & dødsannonser

Call us: 51 82 00 50   |   post@hviding.no

Memorial pages & obituary

Urns for Burial

We have several alternatives to urns. Hviding Funeral Home offers urns for burial.

Large selection of urns for burial

After cremation, the ashes of the deceased are collected in an urn. Here you will find many different designs. The urns that are shown with crosses can also be delivered without.


Ved askespredning
Pris kr. 0,-



Barneurne med bamseornament
Pris kr. 1670,-

Caskets and Coffins

Caskets are an important part of the funeral ceremony. Caskets are available in several designs and prices.

Child Caskets

When a child passes away, they too need a casket. We offer child caskets in several designs and sizes.

Urns for Burial

We have several alternatives to urns. Hviding Funeral Home offers urns for burial.


Monuments and memorials – an important part of grieving. See our selection of tombstones / memorial stones in different styles and designs.


Blomster til seremonien er den vanligste måten å uttrykke takknemlighet og respekt for avdøde. Blomster til de pårørende uttrykker medfølelse.

Choosing a headstone

We have a large display at our Stavanger and Sandnes  locations.

Opening hours by appointment.

Contact: +47 51 82 00 50

Hviding Begravelsesbyrå (funeral home) has branches in Stavanger, Sandnes, Sola and Ryfylke

We organize funerals and burials in municipalities including: Stavanger, Sandnes, Sola, Randaberg, Kvitsøy, Klepp, Time, Gjesdal, Rennesøy, Finnøy, Kvitsøy, Strand, Hjelmeland, and Forsand.