Hviding Begravelsesbyrå
Hviding Funeral Home can be of service to you in regards to the many practical things that need to be arranged after a death. We will do our best to contribute to a dignified funeral and make the process easier for you.We’re here for you
Hviding is the area’s oldest funeral home, and our staff has extensive experience in meeting mourners.
Our agency is a member of “Virke Gravferd”. This is a stamp of quality that means that we must meet the industry’s requirements and qualifications, frequently controlled by a special committee. “Virke Gravferd” also collaborates with the Consumer Council, “Forbrukerrådet”.
We are committed to follow strict ethical rules, which require consideration and dignity in our work. We have a duty of confidentiality regarding all personal information.
In addition to our headquarters in Stavanger, we also have a branch in Jørpeland, called Ryfylke Funeral Home (Ryfylke begravelsesbyrå).
This website is designed to provide easily manageable information about some of the many questions that may arrise after you have experienced a loss. Please contact us for help and assistance.

Choosing a headstone
We have a large display at our Stavanger and Sandnes locations.
Opening hours by appointment.
Contact: +47 51 82 00 50
Hviding Begravelsesbyrå (funeral home) has branches in Stavanger, Sandnes, Sola and Ryfylke
We organize funerals and burials in municipalities including: Stavanger, Sandnes, Sola, Randaberg, Kvitsøy, Klepp, Time, Gjesdal, Rennesøy, Finnøy, Kvitsøy, Strand, Hjelmeland, and Forsand.